In France, about 16 million people smoke tobacco, compared to nearly 1.1 billion people worldwide. Don't think that the number will drop suddenly by then, since quitting smoking is no small feat. In fact, according to the figures, more than half say they have quit smoking, but those who manage to quit smoking for 12 months account for just 3% of the total population of smokers. In other words, quitting smoking is no easy task. But it is not so much this difficulty of getting rid of the addiction that interests us here, but rather the presumed ability of CBD - cannabidiol - to accompany the smoker effectively in his smoking cessation efforts. We talk about that in this article.
CBD is a gentle weaning solution for smokers who seek effective support throughout their weaning period. Without producing any side effects on the patient, this cannabinoid inhibits his susceptibility to smoking stimuli, reduces his anxiety about the lack of nicotine.