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Can we smoke CBD in shisha and is that a good idea ?

One study revealed that more than 100 million people (especially young people) use chicha every day, worldwide. However, almost 85% of these people are aware of the risks of chicha consumption for the body. Indeed, chicha exposes its consumers to a large and toxic quantity of smoke containing several irritating and carcinogenic substances.

It is possible to smoke CBD à la chicha, but this is certainly not a good idea. However, for some time now, the consumption of cannabidiol in shisha seems to have become a fashionable trend.

Some believe that this is a way to quickly benefit from the therapeutic properties of cannabidiol, the compound legal in France. However, what are the harmful effects of consuming CBD in chicha? Can these effects be limited?

The effects of consuming CBD with chicha

Inhaled CBD (respiratory tract) reaches the bloodstream faster than when taken orally. This is why many people prefer to vaporize it (with electronic cigarettes) or smoke it with chicha. The chicha is a water pipe that basically allows smoking tobacco? she is also called the water pipe. It consists of a sleeve divided into two parts, usually separated by a pierced paper and aluminium.

This socket opens onto a chimney that leads to the bottom of a vase that is filled with water. This vase is connected to at least one pipe at the top. It is through the pipe that the CBD will be inhaled by the consumers who will draw in the smoke from the chimney. Note that the smoke is drawn through the water.

For consumption CBD flowers are placed in the upper part of the socket to be heated and partially burned. To carry out this combustion reaction, a piece of glowing coal (or a glowing ember) is placed in the lower part of the socket. However, chicha smoke has a high content of different chemical elements. These include beryllium, chromium, cobalt, lead and nickel.

It also contains charcoal, traces of the furnace lining and the chicha column as well as the ends of the pipe or foil. Chicha smoke could release between 24 and 80 milligrams of tarsper gram of the compound it contains. This high release of tars is due to the fact that the combustion that takes place in a chicha is at a temperature of 450 °C.

To this end, several scientific studies show that the consumption of a substance by chicha can lead to several diseases such as lung cancer, throat cancer, heart attack or stroke. It can also lead to bronchopneumopathies. So, in order to preserve your breath, it would be wise to refrain from smoking CBD with shisha.

In addition, specific reports have shown that the tip of the hookah can cause diseases... Indeed, generally, several people smoke chicha using the same mouthpiece, several times in a row. Thus, tests have revealed that on several tubes of hookah, one could find more than 70 different bacterial germs.

For example, the hookah mouthpiece alone can cause the transmission of infectious lung diseases between multiple users. These include tuberculosis and hepatitis. However, if despite all these risks, you still want to smoke CBD à la chicha, there are healthier ways to do so.

Some tips for smoking from CBD to chicha, with less risks

If you want to better manage the consumption of CBD à la chicha, to limit the risks, the following recommendations should be followed. To begin with, make sure distribute the embers evenlyso as not to char the CBD flowers. Then, don't press these flowers too much in the chicha stove. You should also use only water in the tank. Then, as for how to inhale the smoke, inhale shallowly and infrequently.

In addition, avoid using fast burning coal for combustion. The same applies to barbecue charcoal. Both types of charcoal, natural charcoal is to be preferred. In addition, some CBD products contain high doses of THC, so check the composition of your CBD flowers before using them.

In this regard, avoid CBD flowers with a THC content of more than 0.2% (this is the maximum THC content allowed by law). Also, smoke CBD chicha only in well-ventilated areas. Also, care should be taken to regularly change the flexible hose of the chicha and to change the water in the container as often as possible.

Finally, it is important that each consumer should have his own chicha mouthpiece. This significantly reduces the risk of pathogen transmission between consumers. To do this, it is necessary to use a sterile, disposable plastic mouthpiece.

The many potential effects of the CBD

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound of hemp. It is therefore a cannabinoid with a very low percentage of THC. It is known to have many therapeutic properties. For this reason, it is often consumed as a dietary supplement, to increase the effect of a medicinal treatment.

The positive effects of CBD on the human body

Cannabidiol has the properties ofantidepressant, d’anxiolytic (to alleviate anxiety), toanti-inflammatory andpain medication. This substance is also widely used as tranquilizerfor its relaxing powers. In this way, CBD helps to relax, while having no psychotropic effects. Moreover, it is a non-addictive substance that can even be used to strengthen addiction treatment.

As a cannabinoid, the actions of the CBD are primarily related to the endocannabinoid system. Since the endocannabinoid system has receptors at all levels of the body, CBD can affect the functioning of the entire body, including the human nervous system. To this end, it is involved in activating and enhancing the body's natural response to pain. This is why it is attributed pain-relieving properties.

Also, studies suggest that one of the goals of the CBD is to reduce inflammation...by taking the pain out of the brain. This is what gives cannabidiol its anti-inflammatory properties, which are believed to be very powerful.

Forms of the CBD

The CBD exists under a variety of shapes and each of them involves a mode of administration given. Thus, we find e-liquids, of the oils, of the tinctures, of the pasta, of the crystals and capsules CBD. CBD e-liquids are intended to be consumed by the respiratory tract. In contrast, CBD oils, dyes, pastes, crystals and capsules are generally consumed orally.

The latter includes the sublingual route, which is mainly suitable for the consumption of CBD oils. Note that CBD tinctures can be mixed with meals (e.g. soup) and beverages. Also, crystals are powdery products with a high concentration of CBD active ingredients. They are also very pure and generally contain no trace of THC.

The entire website should be considered as information. We remind you that before consuming cannabidiol products you should consult your doctor to obtain his approval in your specific case.
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