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Can the CBD reduce bruxism ?

One of the main reasons why CBD is so well known today is its effectiveness in the treatment of several diseases. It therefore acts on several levels: digestion, sleep, well-being, skin health, etc.

You will therefore not be surprised to discover that thanks to CBD, we can reduce bruxism, a sleep disorder that affects many people around the world. It acts directly by reducing the stress that happens to be at the root of this disorder.

The effects of CBD on human health and well-being are now well established. It can help you in various ways by improving your quality of life, for example by reducing bruxism. What do you need to know about this disorder? How can the CBD work against it? This is what we invite you to discover in the following.

The role of the CBD against bruxism

To say the least, today's society promotes stress in many people. The world is moving at a very fast pace, and you have to give 200% not to miss the train. That's what causes anxiety, depression, and all kinds of negative feelings in men. As you can imagine, this stress has an effect on our well-being and our general state of health.

Indeed, it is stress that causes most sleep disorders, and is therefore at the root of bruxism. For those who have never heard of it, it is a disorder that manifests itself by the grinding of teeth during sleep. In the long term, it can cause damage to the teeth, as well as some more or less intense pain. For this reason, this disorder must be considered a serious problem to be solved at all costs.

To achieve this, you can count on the CBD. Of course, there are other remedies for this condition, but thanks to CBD, you can increase your chances of achieving symptom relief. In this respect, it is important to know that the main cause of bruxism is stress or anxiety. The CBD is able to act on the hormones, so it can help you to treat this condition in the best possible way.

Indeed, CBD has a direct influence on the stress hormone, still known as cortisol. It also acts directly on the happiness hormone, also known as serotonin. This is how, thanks to its endocannabinoids, CBD can help you get rid of your stress and anxiety. This compound will also help you to promote your well-being and sense of happiness by optimizing the amount of serotonin in your body.

On top of that, CBD can act on the pain caused by bruxism, to bring you real relief. Thus, not only will you be able to relieve the consequences of this disease, but you will also be able to eliminate its causes. This is how the CBD can help you to get back to a peaceful and restful sleep by relieving bruxism.

Bruxisme CBD aide

How to use CBD against bruxism ?

If you choose to turn to a CBD-based remedy to relieve your bruxism, then you'll need to find the form and dosage that works best for you. Usually, it is CBD oil that is used to relieve patients. It is the most popular form of CBD because it is easy to dose and also convenient to use. You will be able to choose the concentration of CBD according to your needs. Then for the dosage, you will need to start with a small amount at the beginning, and gradually increase it.

You will be able to consume the cbd oil sublingually, i.e. directly under the tongue, or to ingest it, i.e. to consume it orally. In the second case, it is possible to add CBD oil to your food to make it easier to swallow. For those who do not prefer this form, CBD is also available in capsule form or in food products.

All you need to know about bruxism

Bruxism can be defined as an involuntary functional disorder that results in clenching or grinding of the teeth. It is a temporo-mandibular dysfunction or TMD that occurs mainly at night. There are two variants of bruxism. The first causes the lower teeth to grind against the upper teeth. The second causes prolonged contraction of the jaw. Daytime bruxism is also encountered.

The symptoms of bruxism are almost the same in all people with this disorder. They present a rapid wear of the teeth and several ailments. The latter mainly affect the cheeks, temples, jaw and ear.

Multiple elements can explain bruxism in an individual. One of the first known causes is stress. This disorder is thus the expression of daily frustrations or inconveniences experienced on a daily basis. Apart from anxiety, the consumption of alcohol, neurological disorders, parasitic and visceral problems can potentially be at the origin of bruxism.

For the moment, there is no treatment for bruxism. Nevertheless, you can reduce its manifestations and consequences through the use of specific products. With the evolution of medicine and new techniques, it will be possible to act on neurotransmitters in order to limit grinding and its impact on the teeth.

Bruxism makes no distinction as to who it attacks. Indeed, it is not unusual to find children or teenagers with teeth worn down by grinding. Adults are also prone to this disorder. In this respect, bruxism can have multiple consequences on oral health. Among these, there are :

  • Pain cervicales ;

  • Hypersensitivity dentaire ;

  • The evils of tête ;

  • Tooth fracture.

In short, if you want to find a natural remedy for bruxism, then CBD will be a very good option. It will be able to act effectively to relieve the symptoms of this sleep disorder. In this way, you will be able to find a peaceful and restorative sleep, with the key to a better quality of life. However, you will need to be careful, because in order to enjoy the benefits of CBD without exposing yourself to adverse effects, you need to monitor the dosage and choose a reliable manufacturer. So don't hesitate to ask the specialists for advice on how to get the most out of your CBD oil against bruxism.

Sommeil mal au dent cbd

Are there any side effects from consuming CBD anti-bruxism oil ?

As CBD is a non-psychoactive substance, it does not cause any side effects for the consumer. However, in case of high doses or the use of poor quality CBD, you can expect side effects such as digestive disorders, dry mouth, etc.

Is CBD an effective remedy for sleep disorders?

Among the many virtues of CBD is its action on regulating and optimising sleep cycles. It is therefore an effective remedy to help you relieve problems such as insomnia, bruxism, sleep apnea, etc.

The entire website should be considered as information. We remind you that before consuming cannabidiol products you should consult your doctor to obtain his approval in your specific case.
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