Glioblastoma is the most common brain cancer in adults. It is caused by an abnormal multiplication of astrocytes, which are cells of the central nervous system. For the treatment of this condition, surgery is a very good solution. However, it can be combined with several therapies. In France, for example, approximately 2,400 new cases of glioblastoma are diagnosed each year. As mentioned above, it is much more common in adults and in men, and therefore affects women less. 70% of cases are diagnosed in people between the ages of 45 and 70. The average age at diagnosis is 58 years. Extracted from hemp, cannabidiol or CBD could help fight against glioblastoma. This molecule, which is very fashionable, belongs to the cannabinoid family, has no psychotropic effect and does not cause any dependence. But, would it really be effective to fight against this cancer whose vital prognosis remains rather dark to this day